​Royal Marine Commando Adam Robert Brown was born in Yateley, Hampshire, England UK on 25th February 1985. On the 1st August 2010 he was tragically killed in action whilst serving in Afghanistan, he was just 25 years old.
One of Adam's dreams was to own a beach hut at Mudeford near Christchurch where he spent many a childhood holiday . In his words " It is a very special place ".We have now started a fundraising campaign to purchase a beach hut so that we can fulfill his dream ".Adam's Hoofing Hut " will be an extraordinary memorial to an extraordinary young man and will be used by Marines families and friends in need of a quiet place to relax and reflect. Adam enriched the lives of those he came in contact with and we know this hut will do the same. We are truly grateful for any donations and support you can give and thereby helping us make Adam's dream become a reality. If you would like to take part in an event to raise funds please do contact Julia for a sponsorship form. julia@adamshoofinghut.com
April 2023 celebrates 9 years of Adams Hoofing Hut at Mudeford Sandbank. As proud owners of Adams Hoofing Hut we can't thank each and every person enough for the amazing effort that everyone has given to make this possible none of which could have been done without everyone's love and support. Thank you so much again xxxx

If you wish to donate straight into the account the Bank details are:
Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland
Sort Code: 16-19-26
Account Number: 20127546
Account Name: Royal Marines Assoc-TRMC
Charity Name: 'RMA-The Royal Marines Charity'
Charity Number: 1134205
Please put a little note somewhere saying it is reference Adams Hut. Thank you.
We would very much like to keep Adam's Hut going for the reasons we intended it to be. To provide a place of peace and respite for Marines who have suffered, through injury and the trials of war. The other way of funding would be to let it out privately for a few weeks a year to raise the money required. We really do not want to do this as it will take it away from our Marine families.
We need to fund Ground Rent, Insurance etc. Therefore we would be so grateful for any donations. Thank you so much for helping us keep Adams Hoofing Hut going the way we want to xx

We are pleased to say we have replaced the first Adams Hoofing Hut with a brand new one! We can not thank each and every person for the amazing effort they have put in to make this possible! The new Hut was completed at the end of June 2017 and yet again we have Marines Family in and have bookings for the rest of the season!